Friday, June 15, 2007

Song Lists

So I have twenty minutes before I leave for my wonderful job haha. Anyway, I have created a playlist for the engagement party. It ranges from Pat Benetar to Aha to Bon Jovi and Billy Joel. Also my favorite, You spin me right round! Anyway, it's full of 80's tunes and other favorites. We do have some Frankie Vallie on there, I need more suggestions I think it's pretty good though, this is my specialty but anything else that is a must, let me know and it will be on there. Has to be fun and upbeat, or cute and sweet. Nothing too crazy, no techno or emo. I mean, we can because I do enjoy but this is stuff that pretty much everyone must enjoy. =)


The groom-to-be said...

sweeet photo montage, amy!! (ps. I knew you could do it ;)

The groom-to-be said...

ps. maybe Chris Carraba can play something acoustic?

The groom-to-be said...

get on with your bad self (and the slideshow!) ps...there's more to copy ;)

check out my site.

Anonymous said...

Amy, you are slacking! make a post please. =) love you tons

The groom-to-be said...

nice job on the playlist for the eParty. what's up with Carraba?