Friday, June 1, 2007

And more of these exciting dreams....

With no response from CC yet, I have begun to create my own responses in my dreams. This is another one of my crazy, anxiety it, I receive an email among many garbage emails that are immediately meant for the trash when I come across this big "YES!". I open the email and then, the astonishment hits! He responds with a giant "YES! I WOULD BE HONORED TO PLAY AT YOUR SISTERS WEDDING!" Then, after his 'sincerely CC' he also writes : "If you need any help at all with plans feel free to let me know". This is why, even in my dreams, he is the love of my life.

Also, check out this weeks PEOPLE, interesting story on how this woman's wedding almost got destroyed because was joking with her Bridesmaid's pretending to be "bridezilla!"


The groom-to-be said...

Here's the link:

The groom-to-be said...

I also agree whole heartedly and will make sure the groomsmen (esp. Ry) are "locked into" their responsibilities

Anonymous said...

don't worry, i won't be THAT bad =)

The groom-to-be said...

anymore dreams? How are things with CC progressing? Need pix of you for "The Roll". Read about it on the site....