1. Plan the bachelorette party
1a) Where are we going?
1b) Who does she want there?
1c) How expensive is it?
1d) What will we do once we all arive? and where will we go?
(Thank g-d she is not about to walk around with a penis around her neck or whatever else they do at
parties. I'm glad with this will just be good fun and a night with the ladies...maybe a
surprise here and there, but NO embarrassing moments haha).
1e) How drunk is she willing to get?
2. Planning the Bridal Shower
2a) Will she like it?
2b) Will it be a surprise?
2c) How do I make sure it is a surprise?
2d) How do I know that no one will spoil it?
2e) Where will it be?
3. The Speech
4. Making sure she is calm and happy through out the entire process and especially on the day
5. Making sure their day is just perfect.
One thing that I've realized is that
is a serious issue once you start the process of a wedding. Well I don't care how poor I am, I'll spend every penny I have just to make this one right. I'll start actual research this week.
In freak wedding events this
Maid of Honor
took a bullet at a Texas wedding in May which I thought made her quite the Maid of Honor.
And as for "Bad Bridesmaid's" check
Keep you money in check. NO ONE will go into debt because of our love. aaahhhh.
that woman had 14 bridesmaids!??! are you kidding me or what?! nice links...
psst. haven't seen a post in a while. what gives?!?!?
Get posting!
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